Sunday, March 25, 2012

How Will You Remember?

I keep a calendar on Google, an additional one on my iPad. I used to be really good at writing things on them. Updating them. Checking them, even. Recently I have fallen off the calendar habit. So I hope that everything I need to know will be in my facebook events or in my email. I keep a back-up of my work schedule in Dropbox. And, for the most part, it has been okay.

But today I am going to jump back on the calendar bandwagon because I have an important date to remember: Wednesday, April 11th, from 6-8 pm. The next HoCoBlogs Party is coming our way at The Second Chance Saloon in Oakland Mills.

Hosted by Sarah Husain of sarahsays, and me--YAY!--of VG/TS, we're looking foward to getting the blogsters and readers back to this hometown hangout where the nachos, wings, burgers, and chili dogs are legendary. And the beer selection is awesome! You might just want to join their Beer Club while you're there.

So, today is Sunday. You're beginning to think about the week ahead. Maybe you have an appointment book, or set up your reminders through a phone or other electronic device. Stop right now and go here.Reserve your ticket(s) for the HoCoblogs Party. Now, put it on your calendar and set up your reminders.You don't want to miss it. Every time I go I meet new folks and discover new blogs. I'll check with Lauren to see what our specials will be. (Second Chance is famous for them.)

And then I'll get back to you. Because, like me, you might need a few reminders. And your friends might, too, so--spread the word.
