I can pretty much lay out for you what was happening on July 1. I was riding my bike around the neighborhood. I was quenching my thirst with Orange Crush out of a glass bottle. My best friend's dad was helping him build a treehouse on an empty lot and all the neighborhood kids were helping, facing their fears as we learned to climb steps nailed into the tree, up, up, up...
I remember going for walks around the neighborhood after dinner and hearing some high school kids playing rock music in the family garage. Yes, it was a "Pleasant Valley Sunday" sort of neighborhood.We played for hours in the dirt and mud of an as-yet undeveloped lot, building houses and tunnels and roads. We collected ladybugs in jars, put on shows on my next door neighbor's front porch, collected Trolls, Little Kiddles, saved up for the new Twist and Turn Barbie doll.
One month earlier the Beatles' Sergeant Pepper album was released. The top hit for the week was "Windy" by the Association. We watched the Monkees on tv, played singles on our record players, roller skated on the smooth, suburban sidewalks. We adjusted the metal skates, which fit on over our shoes, with a skate key. I wore mine around my neck on a string.
The most life-changing event for me on July 1st, 1967 happened a world away in Belfast, Northern Ireland. On that day Richard Alastair McCready was born, to proud parents Sam and Joan McCready.He joined brother Julian who had been born on the very same day several years earlier.
Many stories and and many travels go into this one story--that a young man born on July 1st, 1967 in Belfast should meet the woman who was living in Columbus, Ohio on the day of his birth. Of course this meeting took place in neither location, but in a choir room in Baltimore, Maryland. I think it is particularly appropriate that he, who has brought so much love into my life, was born during "The Summer of Love".
Happy Birthday, Richard. I didn't know back then how important this day was going to be. But I'm so grateful for all the many intersections which led to our meeting.