The world has endured far too many tv show remakes of Frank Capra's classic film, "It's a Wonderful Life". This time of year is awash with them. I hate to admit that I have never seen it. And yet my overall familiarity with the plot tempts me to suggest--what would Oakland Mills be like if there had never been a Second Chance Saloon?
I don't even want to imagine it.
The Second Chance, whose vitality reaches beyond our Village Center to draw in folks from Howard County and beyond, is having a George Bailey moment right now. Unlike the people of Bedford Falls, we don't have to rely on divine intervention to make things right. We have the opportunity to affect positive change. This is our chance.
Please join us Saturday night from 5:00 - 7:30 at the Community Rally to Keep Second Chance on the Map.
We can't "let Clarence do it." It's time for us to earn our own wings.