Thursday, January 8, 2015

A Better Forum

Just a friendly reminder: You can discuss ANYTHING related to Columbia, Maryland. Just no spamming for your business or corporations or dating sites, no political campaigning (this is a non-partisan group), etc.


Welcome. Just to clarify this page's creation:

It is not meant to replace the popular "You Know you Grew up in Columbia" FB page, but to instead provide a better forum for more in depth, civil discussions about the future of Columbia, with an eye on the past and inclusive of all views. The posts here will be monitored by admins only to keep the peace, with minimal intervention or attendee changes. Let's help impact Columbia's future!

So begins one of my favorite Group Pages on Facebook: Celebrating Columbia, Maryland and its Future. If you love Columbia, are excited about our community, and love a good discussion, you might want to join. Right now there are several conversations unfolding: one about the possibility of food trucks in Columbia, one about what would be a good restaurant to add to the Wilde Lake Village Center, and one about the New York Times article about dead shopping malls.

In addition, several members are dedicated amateur nature photographers and occasionally share Columbia wildlife shots. I am always amazed at what they are able to find in such a populated area. It has reinforced in me a determination that maintaining our wildlife habitats in our open space areas should always be a part of planning for Columbia's future.

As you may know, people from Columbia can be quite opinionated, and this group is no exception. There have been a few heated discussions, but by and large the tone has been civil and participants have allowed eachother the grace of having their own points of view. I truly believe that we could make much more progress in Columbia as a whole if more residents could learn to do this.


Hint Number 3 for Friday's Givewaway: the years 1971 and 1996 are significant.