A few local happenings:
Last night in the Village of Long Reach, the County presented the draft of the Long Reach Village Center Revitalization Plan. If you were there, how do you feel about it? I'm especially curious now that Oakland Mills will be working with the County to study possibilities for our Village Center.
PATH (People Acting Together in Howard) and HCEA (Howard County Educator's Association) have kicked off a Community Listening Campaign to engage young people, parents, community members, and educators in a conversation centered around what kind of challenges our schools are facing and what kind of schools our community deserves. Their goal is to meet with 2000 people all over the County over the next three months.
A new restaurant has opened in the Metropolitan: the Corner Bakery Café. Initial feedback I'm getting is good. Have you been yet? What did you think?
Tickets are now on sale for this year's Concert for Kids at Oakland Mills High School. I went last year and it was fabulous. If you are feeling a little blue about Symphony of Lights taking a year off, add this into your holiday celebration instead. They're even adding a Family Matinée performance this year which offers a slightly shortened program tailored to meet the needs of younger children. And it all benefits the WBAL Radio Kids Campaign.
One happening from farther afield: they're gearing up for the holiday season at Longwood Gardens. I have never been, but this year I am making it a top priority. My friend Justin, the one who has made an amazing recovery since his heart transplant, will be back at the organ console doing something he has missed dearly: leading the Christmas Carol sing-alongs.
Just thinking about that makes me smile.