I had a little moment this week on social media where I found myself and and my family under attack from the rantings of an anonymous Facebook page. Ive learned not to care too much about what is said about me, but going after my children is off limits. If you have children, I'm sure you would feel the same.
The best thing (if there is one) about this whole unpleasant experience is how many good people came to my defense. I have many friends who refused to be bystanders in the face of online bullying. It truly warmed my heart to witness the efforts of upstanders coming not just to my defense but also supporting others who were being unfairly targeted.
A particular surprise to me were kind words from two well-known local folks with whom I have had many political disagreements. I think it's safe to say that we probably agree on about five percent of what the world has to offer. But both were quick to check in with words of support. Both made it clear that what I was experiencing was unacceptable.
That was truly a "wow" moment for me. Yes, it's just a tiny moment in the swirl of local and national divisions. But it is meaningful just the same. People with profound disagreements can still acknowledge humanity in each other. Perhaps I can't extrapolate that to be indicative of any larger message but I can say I'm thankful.
In a week where being online felt like my house was going up in flames, thankful is good.