I have been remiss in failing to note the recent announcement of plans to redevelop the Long Reach Village Center. Since I live in Oakland Mills, I am keenly aware of the importance of keeping our aging village centers relevant as our community changes and evolves. The Long Reach project seems to have languished for quite some time. I am excited to see it finally getting off the ground.
It would be silly for me to attempt to write a comprehensive post about this because local blogger and Long Reach resident James Howard has already done so.
The Long Reach Redevelopment and Master Plan
What I haven't seen is the sort of discontented pushback that we normally observe in Columbia when anything from Rouse's original plans is targeted for review. Where are the angry self-appointed committees? Where are the one-sided articles in the newspaper heralding gloom and doom? Where are the letters to the editor saying, "nobody asked me?"
Is it possible that Long Reach just has better sense than anyone else in Columbia when it comes to living in the 21st century?
Maybe so.