Monday, August 7, 2017

Things You Wake Up To

This weekend I walked out of my house to this:

The photo above shows what it had been. The photo below shows what I woke up to.

My first thought was that it was a human prank, which irritated me. But, the more that I thought about it, I realized that it must have been a hungry rabbit or deer. And that's okay with me. I'll miss the flowers. But not enough to be angry at a wild creature whose home is a suburbanized hybrid of the natural world.

What I woke up to this morning:

Cockatoo hair. No one to be mad at but myself, for sleeping with it wet. If only this were a "look" to which I genuinely aspired. Sigh.

Something I woke up to on Thursday was the announcement that this year's Best of Howard County Readers Poll for 2017 is up and running. If you are interested, the Best Blog is category 62. New this year is a write-in category for Best Come-Back from the Ellicott City Flood. I voted for Sweet Elizabeth Jane. My husband voted for the Clock. What do you think?

It's a Monday morning and we're waking up to the aftermath of a rainy night. I hope you have a wonderful day and I hope I still have some of my flowers.