I overslept. I normally wake up around five am and get to work on the blog. I awoke at seven thirty this morning and I seem to have slept right through the window of opportunity that allows my brain to do this crazy thing that I do each morning.
Here are a few snippets to think about today.
Lisa Markovitz of The People’s Voice notes the following:
Hoco locals - take a look at Council Resolution 10 introduced by the new chair, Sigaty. Some procedural changes are good but it eliminates the 5 minute testimony allowance for a group representative. #hocopolitics
Len Foxwell, Chief off Staff for State Comptroller Peter Franchot, has written a piece for the Maryland Daily Record responding to an earlier commentary criticizing Mr. Franchot’s craft beer reform initiative. I’m generally in favor of this initiative, but something about Mr. Foxwell’s piece rubbed me the wrong way. It will surely cause those who are already convinced of the merits of this reform to clap each other on the back and exclaim, “you go, dude!” But I’m not sure it will help win over others outside that inner circle.
Just my two cents. Yes, this commentary may be behind a paywall. This might be a good time to remind you about #subscriptionsforSam . Since the legislative session is about to begin, an investment in the Maryland Daily Record is truly invaluable for keeping track of what is going on in Annapolis.
Councilwoman Jen Terrasa has declared her intent to run for the House of Delegates.
Yesterday, after 24 years of dedication and service to the constituents of District 13, Delegate Frank S. Turner announced his retirement. After carefully considering my options, and in light of Delegate Turner’s decision not to seek another term, I am pleased to announce that I have decided to run for Maryland State Delegate for District 13.
That piece of news is worthy of entire blog post all by itself. Rest assured that it’s already in the works.
Enjoy your Sunday. I’ll be ‘back at it’ at the usual time tomorrow morning.