Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The Grass is Greener

I am having one of those days where I have lots of ideas for future posts, but none for today. Yes, my friends, today is a big fat zero, but those other, as-yet unwritten posts are brilliant!


  1. Those orange signs and their repercussions 
  2. The non-partisan nature of the BOE race
  3. Part II on Columbia’s community/neighborhood centers
  4. Looking back at a year of the Elevate Maryland podcast 
  5. The upcoming family Building Families for Children 5K event 
Looks great, doesn’t it?

See you tomorrow.

In the meantime, here’s a fun pic from today’s Facebook memories of me hanging out with some old friends at a HoCo Blogs party at the Second Chance Saloon.

Hmm...might be time for another blog party in the HoCo...