It presentented snippets from The Barber of Seville and Hansel and Gretel, as I recall. It was interesting enough, but not compelling. As a child I didn’t understand how much I was missing by not having the visual component to enrich my understanding. It wasn’t until I was in college that I was introduced to the joy that is live opera - - an entirely different animal than a child’s record album.
Fast forward to today (as the cliché goes) and you can introduce your child to opera in a much more engaging way. Merriweather Park in Symphony Woods is presenting a free program this Saturday as a part of their Chrysalis Kids series. Here is the link to their event page on Facebook.
Since I’m both a fan of the Chrysalis and a music teacher, I’m hoping to see a huge turnout for this event. Do me a favor and share this with your friends. It’ll give you more folks to meet up with on the lawn on Saturday.