Monday, June 4, 2018

A Musical Introduction

I was introduced to the opera by this record, played many times on my childhood record player.

It presentented snippets from The Barber of Seville and Hansel and Gretel, as I recall. It was interesting enough, but not compelling. As a child I didn’t understand how much I was missing by not having the visual component to enrich my understanding. It wasn’t until I was in college that I was introduced to the joy that is live opera - - an entirely different animal than a child’s record album.

Fast forward to today (as the cliché goes) and you can introduce your child to opera in a much more engaging way. Merriweather Park in Symphony Woods is presenting a free program this Saturday as a part of their Chrysalis Kids series. Here is the link to their event page on Facebook.

Aimed at PreK through 5th grade, the program by Baltimore Concert Opera is an interactive way to introduce the multifaceted world of opera. Tickets are free, parking is free, and snacks and drinks will be available for purchase.

Since I’m both a fan of the Chrysalis and a music teacher, I’m hoping to see a huge turnout for this event. Do me a favor and share this with your friends. It’ll give you more folks to meet up with on the lawn on Saturday.