Thursday, August 30, 2018

Lakefront Woes

This week I have attended professional development in the area of Mind Brain Education. I’m completing an online course in First Aid and CPR which will be followed by in-person hands-on testing. Today brings workshops in Quaker decision making process in the morning, and Mandatory Reporting in the afternoon.

How do you get ready for school?

You’ll forgive me if my brain is a bit fried this morning. I’m sending you over to the Baltimore Business Journal to read about what’s happening with The Still Point at Haven on the Lake. 

Downtown Columbia Spa Closes...

Here’s a blog post offering  another perspective from Harry Schwarz of the HoCoMDcc blog:

The partners operating Haven on the Lake are fighting in court

I attended the groundbreaking event for Haven of the Lake/The Still Point. I have never actually been there since they opened. I’ve heard rumblings about the overall business model but I don’t have any first hand knowledge.

Are you a member at Haven on the Lake? Have you used services at the Still Point? Any observations?