Sunday, January 19, 2020

Words, Pictures, and Cash

When Facebook tells you to stop dithering around and go write your blog, well, what can you do?

Yep, nothing but a blank page and a whole lot of space for my thoughts. I‘ve never gotten that before.

What’s on my mind? A little bit of this and that.

In the race to fill the seat of the late Elijah Cummings, I am torn. I’m a big fan of Delegate Terri Hill, but I think she is doing valuable work where she is in Annapolis. I liked Maya Rockeymoore Cummings when I heard her interview on Elevate Maryland but does she have the necessary experience to do the job? I need to make up my mind soon. The primary is February 4th. There’s no early voting for this one, so make plans on how you can fit it into your regular schedule.

This photo by Doug Kapustin of the Baltimore Sun Media Group. It accompanies Katie V. Jones piece in the HoCo Times about the Historical Society’s kick off event for the Howard County Year of the Woman.


                                                 (Photo by Doug Kapustin)

What I love about the photo is how human all the women look. I get so tired of perfectly posed pictures of women in public service with perfect makeup and perfect hair and perfect clothing and perfect expressions on their faces. That may be the rule for fashion modeling but these women are not commercial models. They are doing important work in our community and they are real people. All too often we discuss the ideas and accomplishments of men but the physical appearance of women. In my mind, this photo shows women who clearly have ideas and accomplishments.

Also on my mind, this contest in which Wilde Lake High School is competing to win $5,000 to support their library’s goal to make their collection more representative of the student body. Watch their video entry, “When I See Myself” and cast your vote  starting Monday, January 20th. A big eye roll to the commenter who made fun of this entire endeavor by poking fun of the concept of being able to see oneself represented in the books they read. The “I don’t know what this is so it doesn’t exist” theory is ignorant at best and smacks of an appalling lack of empathy.

A shout-out to our local media writers and photographers at Baltimore Sun/Howard County Times for providing the coverage I could share with you to back up this post. Did you know they’re facing another round of “cost-cutting” buyouts which will compromise coverage even further? You can follow @baltsunguild on Twitter to stay informed. Do you know anyone with the resources to purchase the Baltimore Sun? They are advocating for home town ownership. There must be someone or someone(s) out there willing to make the investment required to save our local news coverage.

If you have any friends with deep pockets, maybe you can share this post with them. Until then - - you do subscribe, right?