Saturday, February 15, 2020

Spreading the Love

For those of you keeping track at home, yesterday I managed to write a blog post promoting an event without revealing the date, time, or location of said event. Let’s correct that. 

A Swashbuckling Evening in the Stacks:
Saturday, February 29  7 to 11 pm 

HCLS  East Columbia Branch

Moving on.

Maryland Matters did another post this year about power couples which got me thinking. I’m not sure how fond I am of the “power couples” concept. I’m going to give it a new twist by looking at some Columbia/HoColocals who are passionate about their work and causes. That kind of love makes the whole community better.

2020 Village Green/Town² 
Columbia/HoCo “Power Couples”

  • Nina Basu & Inner Arbor Trust
  • Bonnie Bricker & Talk With Me
  • Mickey Gomez & Friends and Foundation of the Howard County Library
  • Jumel Howard & Howard County Pride
  • Toby Orenstein & Toby’s 
  • Ian Kennedy & DCACC
  • Chiara D’Amore & The Community Ecology Institute
  • Jon Merryman & the Patapsco
  • Ilana Bittner & HoCoMoJo
  • Bita Dayhoff & The Community Action Council
And, last but not least, I’m going to defy convention and throw in a “throuple”:

  • Candace Dodson Reed, Tom Coale & Elevate Maryland
These “power couples” definitely share the love. Can you think of others to add to the list? Let me know.