There seems to be a consensus that April Fools Day is canceled this year, and for good reason. Instead of tricks I’ll offer you some unthinkables: memories I have of local events that were full of lots and lots of people. We can’t even imagine those right now. I get uncomfortable when I look at snapshots of a few people standing close together. Crowds? The thought makes me shudder.
Readers of this blog know I’m not much of an out and about sort of person, but it turns out I do have some very happy memories that involve, well, being out and about. Here are some of my favorites:
- When the musical group March Fourth came to town to perform at the Lakefront during the Columbia Festival of the Arts Lakefest Weekend
- Paul Simon at Merriweather Post Pavilion
- The Oakland Mills annual Cultural Arts Festival
- The dedication of the refurbished Lakefront Carillon
- Waiting for the polls to open at Talbott Springs Elementary School on November 4, 2008
- A memorable HoCo Blogs party at The Stained Glass Pub in Elkridge
- The Columbia 50th Birthday celebration kickoff event at the Mall, when Elijah Cummings spoke
- That one time I got all dressed up and went to Howard County Library’s Evening in the Stacks
- Peabody Children's Chorus concerts at the Rouse Theatre, Wilde Lake High School
- Soup ‘r Sundae, both at the old Rouse Company headquarters and at Wilde Lake High School
- Marching with friends at a parade at the Howard County Fair
- Packed live broadcasts of Elevate Maryland at the Common Kitchen at Clarksville Commons and at Lupa at the Lakefront
- The dedication of the Chrysalis, also, the delightfully crowded Columbia Orchestra Pops Concerts at the Chrysalis
I guess I get out more than I thought.
What are your favorite local “peopley” memories? Right now might be a good time to share them.