Thursday, November 26, 2020

Community Thanks

 Like almost everything in American History, the story we have been told about the First Thanksgiving is a lie. It’s not a celebration of fervent thanks to God for salvation in the wilderness. It’s not a day of sharing with those who are different. It’s only the beginning of a career of genocide and colonization brought by Europeans to a land not their own.

That’s not the day I celebrate today.

But gratitude, unto itself, is worth celebrating. Especially this year, when struggles have been so deep and fear and grief ongoing, I feel it especially important to lift up the people and things who have made a difference for me and others in our community this year. You have your own list, I’m sure of that. What would we do without them?

These people remind us we are not alone. 

It goes without saying that my family and friends come in at the top of the list. I won’t go on and on here so as not to embarrass them. They know who they are.

2020 List of Community Thanks

  • Erika Strauss Chavarria and Columbia Community Care
  • Chiara D’Amore and the Community Ecology Institute 
  • Bonnie Bricker and HoCo School Interest 
  • Matthew Vaughn-Smith and the Anti-Racist Educators Alliance
  • HoCo for Justice
  • Buy Nothing (East Columbia) Group
  • Frontline workers at the hospital
  • All those people giving COVID tests
  • Workers who make sure we can get food to eat.
  • Everyone who wears a mask and follows guidelines to keep others safe
  • Childcare workers
  • Teachers who are continually working to support students through virtual learning
  • Parents who are torn in multiple directions in the face of changing expectations
  • All the helpers
That’s a lot of people to be thankful for and that’s just my list. And, of course, I’m always thankful for my readers. 

I hope that there will be someone or something in your day that lifts your spirit and gives you a reason to offer thanks.