Saturday, December 12, 2020

Life in the Gift Lane


Almost as soon as I clicked publish on my recent post about shopping local for the holidays, one notable omission rose up and smacked me in the head: experiences. 

In particular, music and art experiences.

My friend/former colleague Ray Forton teaches guitar and ukulele. See what students are saying about working with him: Ray has continued his private and class teaching during the pandemic via Zoom and leads strum-along sessions, too. 

Looking for a gift that keeps on giving? Give yourself or someone you love the gift of music. I love teaching guitar and ukulele lessons tailored to each individual student! Get that instrument out of the case, put on a new set of strings. If you are buying an instrument get knowledgeable help! I'm happy to help!

And did you know that you can borrow ukuleles from the Howard County Library? You can!*&query=&page=0&searchid=1

Other independent local music studios:

Damon Foreman Music Academy

Mike’s Music

Adding some music to your life or that of a friend or someone in your family might be the best investment during a pandemic that I can think of. Supporting local arts businesses in the process will make their holiday season brighter, too.

One more idea: the Columbia Association Art Center is selling ceramic pieces made by instructors and students. You can take a look at them here.  They are gorgeous, reasonably priced, and are shown with size markings so you know what the accurate proportions are. (Genius.) In addition, you can also purchase gift certificates for arts experiences/classes at the Center. At the moment in-person classes are on hold due to rising COVID numbers but hopefully in the New Year they will be able to provide more physically-distanced, private events. 

Free to all and quite the gift to the entire community is the Columbia Orchestra’s Holiday Concert on December 19th at 7:30 pm. Here’s the event page on Facebook:

You can subscribe to the Columbia Orchestra on YouTube. Lots of good stuff over there: 

Have a great weekend!