Thursday, July 8, 2021

Late Links Are Great Links

This getting up at five am and then falling back asleep is getting to be annoying. I may need to rethink when I do the actual writing because my sleep patterns appear to be shifting and I am but the helpless victim of their whims. 

Enough of that. 

I present to you three excellent local pieces far more interesting than my personal struggles with waking up and staying awake.

The Wi Spa Controversy FAQ - - Suzi Chase (A fresh take on life, current events, and the world)

Howard County officials are committed to Asian American and Pacific Islander community (Commentary) - -  Angela Caballon, Howard County’s chief innovation officer and deputy chief administrative officer

Tale As Old As Time - - Howard County Progress Report, Jenny Solpietro

All of these pieces contain useful information and food for thought. Not a bad selection for eight in the morning.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, perhaps I’ll go and start working on tomorrow’s blog.


Oh, by the way, Damon Foreman and Blue Funk will be playing down at the Lakefront this evening, weather permitting. Music begins at 7 pm.