Saturday, December 25, 2021


You may have noticed that I’ve been moving away from making the assumption that everyone celebrates the same holidays that I celebrate. When casting about in my mind about what I wanted to say today, it occurred to me nature and caring for the environment cross all religious and cultural lines. In Columbia/HoCo we are blessed with a number of organizations and initiatives which invite us to celebrate the beauty of the Earth and be active stewards of our environment.

For me these are largely gifts that have remained unopened. Now that I have more time on my hands, I hope to change that. I’ve assembled a quick list of resources as much for myself as for my readers. Let me know if I’ve omitted something that ought to be here.

Live Green Howard is a project of Howard County Government in Maryland. Sustainability, environment, being “green,” is a part of so many agencies and areas outside the government, that we have attempted to bring it all together in one place.

One such initiative is:

Howard County Bee City

Our mission is to raise awareness about the importance of pollinators and their vital role in healthy ecosystems and to educate communities in how they can create and sustain healthy habitat for pollinators.



GreenFest is Howard County's largest celebration of Earth Day. The event aims to connect residents with the resources that local businesses, non-profits and government provide to help anyone be a good steward to the environment.

Howard Ecoworks 

Our mission: empower communities and diverse workforces to respect and restore our natural systems for future generations.

Our vision: Innovative solutions, partnerships, and a skilled workforce supporting resilient communities.  

Community Ecology Institute  (includes Freetown Farm)

Mission: The Community Ecology Institute (CEI) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a mission to enhance community health and well-being by fostering diverse connections between people and the natural world. 

Vision: Human and Natural Communities Thriving Together

Howard County Conservancy

The mission of the Howard County Conservancy is to educate children and adults about our natural world, preserve the land and its legacy for future generations and model responsible stewardship of our environment.

Robinson Nature Center

Our mission is to facilitate the enjoyment and understanding of our natural resources and to bridge the gap between people and nature. By inspiring sound environmental awareness, we promote responsible stewardship of all of our natural resources and strive to connect people of all ages with nature through experience-based education.

Patapsco Heritage Greenway

Preserve. Protect. Interpret. Restore.

Patapsco Heritage Greenway, the non-profit managing organization of the Patapsco Valley Heritage Area, is dedicated to preserving, protecting, interpreting, and restoring the environment, history, and culture of Maryland’s most dramatic river valley for the enjoyment of all.



… to create a more environmentally conscious community through the collection and “upcycling” of discarded materials into long-term products.


It’s going to be cloudy today, but not too cold. If there’s rain it will be later in the afternoon. I’ve noticed that a lot of my friends who care deeply about the environment are committed daily walkers. Getting outside every day is a gift I mean to open and enjoy today and in the days to come.