Here’s the Facebook event page for Skeletons in the Park: Medical Goth Dance Party, Picnic, and Photoshoot, May 21,2022, 12-6 pm.
Oh, did I forget to mention? It’s in Howard County: 8020 Baltimore National Pike, Ellicott City.
How do I know this? Twitter, of course. I came across a tweet lamenting the fact that Baltimore has no Goth clubs. Apparently there was one called the Orpheus but:
They turned it into a hip hop club/sports bar. I do goth picnic events tho around Baltimore and surrounding areas. My friend has sort of taken them over and the next ones are in Ellicott city I think.
Yes, friends, that’s when I just had to go look for myself. Wait, what is “Medical Goth”? I’m still digging around on Google to flesh that out but, in the meantime, here’s this cool shop on Etsy:
Oh, my.
What started out as a young woman’s lament about Baltimore…
how come all ur cities have goth clubs. baltimore doesn't have a goth club. we're like so goth on paper wtf like edgar allen poe/ravens, ouija board was named here, uuuh f@#$ idk we need a goth club
…ended up with a picnic in Ellicott City. Go figure.
I started to ask if my readers had ever gone to a picnic with a theme. But then it occurred to me - - that’s pretty much what the Maryland RennFest is. Now I’m imagining a Medical Goth/RennFest mashup and I think perhaps I should go back to bed.
Out of curiosity: do you think Columbia/HoCo needs a Goth club?