Tuesday, May 24, 2022

A Visual Vacation

I owe today’s post to a tweet from the Downtown Columbia Partnership, featuring a painting by artist Mary Jo Tydlaka:

Recognizing the #DowntownColumbiaMd Lakefront and what looks like a @ColumbiaAssn concert with some Dancing Under the #PeopleTree in this Mary Jo Tydlacka artwork.

Mary Jo Tydlaka (Howard County)

Uppity Blues Women ll. Acrylic. 2017

From the artist:

My artwork is my response to the world around me and it is also my participation in the world. Over the years my subjects have been homes, neighborhoods, families and cities. During the last several years I have focused on the outdoor Shakespeare plays at the Patapsco Female Institute Ruins and other locales. I attend the plays , multiple times if possible, and sketch. The plays are a combination of my interests in landscape, weather, classic architecture, groups of people and Shakespeare.

I love this work. There’s so much going on here, and the colors are exceptionally notable for their warmth. I think of the Lakefront as a sea of blues and greens and pale cement. This is fiery. 

I would like to know about those buildings across the lake from the bandstand, though. 

I was curious about the title of the painting and did a little digging around. It’s amazing what you can find in Wikipedia. Although this was painted in 2017, I’m thinking the concert took place long before that.

I took a look into the virtual art show and was soon drawn to this piece by Howard County mosaic artist Lisa Scarbath.

Lisa Scarbath

Body of Water, 2021


Ms. Scarbath is also the creator of “Pieces of History: EC250 Mosaic” which is currently on display at the Howard Count Arts Council Center. It will soon take up residence in a store front on Main Street. In addition to enjoying Ms. Scarbath’s work in this exhibit, you can follow her on Instagram at piecefuldesignsmosaics.

About the exhibit:

The Maryland State Arts Council presents Maryland Regional virtual exhibition series to showcase multidisciplinary artists from all five different regions of Maryland. This is a year-long series and starts with Series #3 Central Maryland. We hope you enjoy 45 different artworks from Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Harford, Howard County, and Baltimore City.  (March 18 - May 13, 2022)*

If you are interested in the entire show: Maryland Arts Council Regional Virtual Exhibit, Series 3

You can noodle around to your heart’s content from the comfort of your own home. No worries about COVID or masks. Just take a bit of an art vacation, courtesy of the Maryland Arts Council. And if you are interested in creating some art of your own, check out this invitation from Columbia Festival of the Arts/Columbia Art Center:

Umbrella Theme Show
Entries wanted - All ages!

Using a golf umbrella as your canvas, express your creativity about the theme: Healing Hearts Through Music, Dance, Words. Can be done as a group, duo or individually!

Umbrellas will be displayed outdoors at Lake Kittamaqundi as part of the 2022 Lakefest, June 10-12, 2022. Open to all everyone and all ages. For an entry form and umbrella, call Columbia Art Center 410-730-0075 or email art.staff@columbiaassociation.org. Umbrellas are due June 9, 2022.

*I was still able to access the exhibit this morning,