Sunday, June 19, 2022

Big Kids Little Kids


Dan and Claudia Zanes

We were there for it, as the young folks say, from the moment the announcement was made and we snapped up our tickets.

@macsmom (yes, that's me)  Just booked my tickets to see @danzanes and @claudiazanes at the Chrysalis! So excited! The Chrysalis Kids series is back at @InARTrust !

Bonus: getting a retweet from Dan Zanes himself.

I first learned about Dan Zanes from an interview on Public Radio, around the time that his Parades and Panoramas CD was released. I went home and told my husband how cool he was. We bought the CD and were immediately hooked. From there it was a quick jump to his kid-centric, all ages music - - we did have a young daughter at the time. And, of course, I taught preschool music. 

Songs like Jump Up, Mairi’s Wedding, All Around the Kitchen, Wonder Wheel, Catch That Train, and so many more became frequent companions in our lives. Good friends, even. When I began doing my kid’s dance parties at the Chrysalis, one song in particular always made an appearance. Yesterday, before the Dan and Claudia Zanes concert, I wrote:

The song that always indicates that my kids dance parties at the Chrysalis are beginning is: “Hello, Hello” by Dan Zanes. Today *he’ll* be on the Chrysalis stage. 

Maybe he’ll sing it.

They didn’t sing it, and that was just fine, because they opened with a newer song inspired by the life of John Lewis, “Let Love Be Your Guide.” They invited the audience to join in the singing. 

There’s something I must tell you now

Let love be your guide

The longing of the human heart knows how to 

Let love be your guide

I stood among you and I knew

Let love be your guide

It was clear what you were here to do

Let love be your guide

Be your guide when you’re weary

Be your guide when you’re unsure

The winds of change are on your side

Let love be your guide

History tells us this is not new

Let love be your guide

Yesterday’s lessons still hold true

Let love be your guide

The nightmare it was deep and long

Let love be your guide

Now the wind is troubled with the sweetest song

Let love be your guide

I may not be with you when the day is done

Let love be your guide

But I know you’ll be marching ’til the peace is won

Let love be your guide

- - Dan and Claudia Zanes 

Dan and Claudia are a perfectly balanced duo. Their musical collaboration is brilliant and joyous. You feel their love of music and for doing what they do. They speak to children and families with humor, warmth and respect. 

Yesterday I sang, danced, learned some hand motions, and some American Sign Language. I clapped, and tapped, and engaged in one of my favorite past times : watching children dancing on the lawn.

Thank you to Nina Basu of the Inner Arbor Trust and to all the folks at Merriweather Park at Symphony Woods for making this free concert happen for kids in our community. 

And for me. After all these years I’m a still kid at heart.