Sunday, March 24, 2024

Let’s Do It


Yesterday I was having a bit of pity party about turning sixty-five.

Other birthdays come with exhortations to treat yourself or try new things. This birthday comes with an email from the drugstore.

Today I awoke with ideas for treating myself and for trying new things. Go figure.

You may recall that I wrote about the limitations of my scope recently in “Community Blogs: The Larger Puzzle.”

If I had my way Columbia/HoCo would have as many community blogs as there are communities. I want to read about what’s happening in Kings Contrivance, learn more about the ins and outs of Elkridge, understand how all the different areas of Ellicott City are connected, and get a peek into what it’s like to live in Western HoCo. Yes, I would read all of them, if they existed.

This response from a longtime reader got me thinking:

If I recall correctly, in the past you’ve had guest bloggers. Perhaps you could start a series where we hear from an author in a different village or part of HoCo every week about what it is like to live there or a local issue? I know it is a lot to write every day. This would give you a planned break each week.

Hmm…could I make it work? I make no guarantees but I’m going to give it a try.

Announcing: “Take It On The Road Tuesdays” or perhaps “Traveling Tuesdays.”*

I’m going to start reaching out to folks around the Columbia/HoCo area for their blog-sized views about where they live. Have an idea? Reach out to me through the email address associated with the blog or message me through the Village Green/Town² Facebook page.

Let’s tell some new and different stories together.

Village Green/Town² Comments 

*I’m open to a better name, if you’ve got one.