Thursday, August 22, 2024

Hate Group in the Henhouse

Well, here’s some disturbing news.

Someone, very possibly an employee, thought they ought to “tell on” the Howard County Schools. Why? What terrible thing has happened that warrants this kind of intervention? Well, it seems that HCPSS encourages teachers to assess their classroom reading collections with an eye to how inclusive they are.

Complete the guide below to assess your instructional space and resources. This tool is not an exhaustive list, nor is it a mandatory list. Use a lens of diversity, equity, and inclusion as you take stock of the learning environment that you have created for your students, and consider ways to supplement so that all students can see themselves within the walls of your classroom.

To which authority did this self-appointed “whistleblower” report this information? The Maryland State Department of Education? The U.S. Department of Education?

No. They ratted out the Howard County Schools to a social media account called “Libs of TikTok.”

SCOOP: @HCPSS gave this “audit” to elementary teachers to make sure their classroom and curriculum have enough DEI and wokeness.

They must properly represent migrants, LGBTQ, and fat people for example. Library books must include trans/nonbinary people.

A great ad for homeschooling!

A few things worth noting. Libs of TikTok is the name of a proven hate initiative founded by Chaya Raichik. From Wikipedia:

Raichik uses the accounts to repost content created by left-wingand LGBT people on TikTok, and on other social-media platforms, often with hostile, mocking, or derogatory commentary. The accounts promote hate speech and transphobia, and spread false claims, especially relating to medical care of transgender children. The Twitter account, also known by the handle @LibsofTikTok, has nearly 3 million followers as of February 2024 and has become influential among American conservatives and the political right. Libs of TikTok's social-media accounts have received several temporary suspensions and a permanent suspension from TikTok.

Raichik uses these social media posts to stir up anger and instigate viral “pile-ons” against those whose opinions or actions she disapproves of. It’s a kind of shaming factory.

Or, as Wikipedia words it: 

Some Libs of TikTok posts have resulted in harassment against teachers, medical providers, children's hospitals, libraries, LGBT venues, and educational facilities, several of which received bomb threats after being featured on a post.

It seems highly unlikely that anyone would “tip off” Libs of TikTok with the intent of addressing concerns, opening conversation about disagreements, or sincere desire to improve education. The whole point of Libs of TikTok is to threaten and shame. The end result of these posts is that those on the receiving end feel fearful and under attack.

If a local employee made the choice to subject our schools to this kind of harassment? That is extremely concerning. 

The next thing to ponder is Libs of TikTok inaccurately represents what the form says and how it is meant to be used. The form is optional. It is meant to help teachers assess how their classroom library meets the needs of the students they teach. It’s not an edict. But saying that it represents some kind of mind-controlling commandment is bound to stir up more social media frenzy. So, either the person who wrote this post has terrible reading comprehension or they are deliberately lying to cause greater harm.

Finally, that last sentence is a frightening revelation.

A great ad for homeschooling!

The prospect that your child might be in a classroom that accepts and supports students who are different than your child is so horrifying that the only possible choice would be to keep them at home. 

Wow. Imagine looking at a way that teachers can be considerate of others and thinking, “Oh, hell no!”

The choice to homeschool is, of course, their right. But the desire to extend that exclusionary, racist, homophobic mindset into the public school system is not theirs to demand. Public education is for all children.

Something else you should know. Moms for Liberty Howard County supports Libs of TikTok and they are trying to make inroads into the Howard County Board of Education.

Many of us have had our eyes on national and international events this week. That’s understandable. But please don’t lose sight of the Board of Education race. I’d rather have qualified and experienced educators choose reading material for our kids than M4L and Libs of TikTok.

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