Saturday, March 22, 2025

Old Fashioned HoCo


I had no earthly idea that Howard County had a fox hunting organization. This is clearly because I live in the wrong part of town. If I lived in Mount Airy I would know.

Image from HoCoHounds Social Media

Wait. I stand corrected. It’s a “fox chasing” club. So apparently they are just chasing the foxes and not killing them. One wonders what the foxes think. 

This weekend the Mount Airy club, called Howard County-Iron Bridge Hounds, is holding a three day event called “Old Fashion Weekend”. I stumbled upon this bit of news while scanning the weekend events at the Visit Howard County website.  You can see details of the itinerary below.

Image from HoCoHounds social media 

Friday March 21, 2025
Party in the Clubhouse
Open Bar, Oysters, Dinner, Sllent Auction & Dancing The Night Away - $50.00 Each

Saturday March 22, 2025
Old Fashion Point to Point/Poker Run
Ride your horse or watch the action!
Open Bar & Brunch -$35 Mounted/$25 Unmounted
If you like hunter paces - you'll love this!

For More Details &
To Purchase Tickets:
Sunday March 23, 2025
11A - 3P
Closing Meet with HCIBH Hounds Non- Members Welcome & Encouraged!
Full Hunt Breakfast, Open Bar Featuring Bloody Marys + Mimosas, Tally Ho Wagon For Unmounted Guests $100 Mounted/$25 Unmounted

All Weekend Discount Package:
$150.00 Per Mounted Guest
$85.00 Unmounted Guest
$75.00 Per HCIBH Member
*Individual Event Tickets Available

I’m imagining that, if this kind of event interests you, you have already registered. Just in case you have a last minute yearning to go and watch, here’s the Eventbrite link.

Something about this painting bugs me. I’m sure it’s meant to evoke something romantic about the long history of fox hunting but…

To clarify: I’m not suprised that people ride and even keep their own horses in Howard County. It’s the local fox hunting culture that I was completely ignorant of. That’s what comes of staying too much in my own neck of the woods, I suppose. 

There’s also an Iron Bridge Hounds Pony Club. I’m assuming there’s some kind of affiliation? If you are better informed, please clue me in.

It’s the first Saturday in Spring. The weather forecast looks to be partly cloudy with mild temperatures. What are your plans? Anything exciting? 

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