Thursday, April 5, 2012

Your Golden Ticket

You have a chance. You have an "in" with the people who know. More importantly, you have an invitation.  The Howard County Housing Department wants you to feel welcome at their  6th annual Housing Fair, "Come Home to Howard County," Saturday, April 14th, at Long Reach High School from 10 am to 2 pm.

This is your one-stop shopping event to explore locations, services, and financing opportunities. Come to learn more, and think more, about options to rent and own in #hocoMD. Our community is meant to be a vibrant mix of renters and owners. Do you work in Howard County, but think you can't afford to live here?  Your daily commute could be a whole lot shorter.  You know the schools are good, and the parks are great. Libraries? Excellent.  Restaurants?  Ask HowChow .

(I hear the local blogging community is superb.)

To add to the excitement, there is a Housing Lottery to enter.  Most of us have gotten over not winning those Mega Millions, but how about a chance to win one of two homes: 9840 Whiskey Run, Laurel, MD 20723, and  7225 Abbey Road, Elkridge, MD 21075. You can visit the Elkridge lottery home tonight from 3-5 pm. More info here:

If you know someone who might benefit from participating in this event, please pass this invitation along. You can be the point of connection for helping someone come home to Howard County. 
By the way, I came home to Howard County in 1999 when I married the man of my dreams.  There aren't any workshops about that at the Housing Fair, but, hey--you could get lucky...
