Monday, April 1, 2013

No Fooling

One year ago I posted this as a satirical protest to foot-dragging and naysayers on improvements to Symphony Woods. Do you know what plan was on the table?  This one: the Cy Paumier Plan, the plan we are now being told that everyone liked, everyone agreed upon.  I keep reading that it was voted on, approved, and "shovel-ready."

Except that isn't true.  As late as July, when the matter came before the Planning Board, residents turned up to protest the removal of mature trees which would be necessary to fulfilling the design of this plan. Letters to the editor are also on file, one suggesting a petition with "600 hundred signatures."

Shovel-ready?  I think not.

The Plan as it was submitted was not acceptable. The Columbia Association paused this process to respond to residents concerns. The Inner Arbor Plan is a response to those concerns, clearly striving to meet the spirit and the letter of the already approved Downtown Plan.

Why exactly are people out there right now, vilifying the Columbia Association?

A friend of mine wrote recently that she wondered if she enjoyed planning vacations more than actually going on them.  Is that what is going on with opponents of both the first and the second plans for revitalizing Symphony Woods?  Maybe so, because it seems that Mr. Paumier is working up another plan! Does this sound like progress to you?

Last year on April 1st, I tried to find something humorous in these proceedings, and I invited you to  share a laugh or a smile along with me. But as we approach an April 20th election where some exceptionally brave and creative work is on trial--it isn't funny anymore.

If you don't vote for the Columbia you want, we will all lose.

No fooling. 
