Wednesday, May 8, 2013

HoCo Holler

Last Saturday, on a beautiful Spring morning, at ten minutes to ten, there was a line. Well, it wasn't exactly a tidy, "line up for class" sort of line. There were people grouped outside the doors, in ones, twos, threes, and family groups. Children dancing about on the sidewalk, older people seated nearby. The sky was clear, the sun was shining, and it was not even ten am on a Saturday.

What would get you out of your bed early on a beautiful Spring morning on a day off from work or school? For me, the list is pretty short: yard sales.  Yours might include children's' sporting practices, a family day trip, or volunteering at a community event. Of course, if you don't have children, you might be eating breakfast in bed...

In the ten minutes we stood there, people continued to arrive. It was a beautiful sight. People of all ages, gathered in anticipation. It was quite a healthy group by the time the doors were unlocked and we were allowed in.

The people I saw that morning came with many ideas, differing plans and goals. But one thing united us. The place we chose to pursue them was the Charles E. Miller Branch Library in Ellicott City.

We were there to use a study room so that my daughter could tape an interview for her GT Research class. We saw a few people talking to Master Gardeners who had set up a table by the door.  Some folks were reading, some browsing, some studying. As we left we noticed that the library was even participating in Free Comic Book Day.

I offer today's shout-out--a big HoCo Holler--to the Howard County Library System. Without question, they have given us a place worth getting out of bed for on a sunny Saturday morning. And if you like to sleep late, don't worry. They'll still be there for you when you wake up.
