Sunday, March 16, 2014

HoCoHoller for Councilman Ball

In October of 2011, I got off the couch and walked to Walgreens.

"I made some observations about the route as I walked. The most crucial: why is there no crosswalk at Sohap? In order to cross in the safest and most legal way, I would have to go away from my destination to the crosswalk at White Acre. So now I have a new goal--who do I talk to about that?"

I can't remember if I talked to anyone about that, to tell you the truth. Then, at the end of an extremely trying week, the Calvin Ball Bulletin turned up in my email--the "Construction Edition". Clicking on the link, I discovered these words:

A crosswalk--yay! Okay, it isn't at Sohap, but it still makes the trip to Walgreens on foot safer and more convenient. So, a huge HoCo Holler to Calvin for moving forward on this. I continue to be a grateful constituent. And yet, once we get that crosswalk...

I'll have to get back off the couch again.