Monday, March 24, 2014

Taking a Chance on the Future

Sharing my Letter to the Editor:


Merriweather Park Will Make Columbia Fun: Celebrates Nature, Arts and Arts Education

I am writing to express my support for the strong focus on arts and arts education in Merriweather Park. My husband and I are both music educators. Our one grown daughter just bought a house in Columbia, and our other daughter is a student in HCPSS. Art is central to the quality of life for people of all ages. The Inner Arbor team has created a brilliant design to encourage use of Symphony Woods, a property that has been sadly underused.

I am delighted by the innovative design and creative subtlety employed by the Inner Arbor Trust as they work to bring the experience of nature and art to all Columbians, young and old. Moreover, as a parent and arts educator, I am thrilled to see long term plans in Merriweather Park to celebrate the arts and to give the arts pride of place at the center of our community. My daughter and her husband recently bought a house in Oakland Mills, driven in part by the excitement in the revitalization of Columbia, which has been led by the Inner Arbor. As we work to support the plans for Symphony Woods in Merriweather Park, we are validating their choice to take a chance on the future of Columbia.


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