At the September 23rd Oakland Mills Board meeting board members unanimously approved new boundary lines for the "OM Master Plan 2/Community Plan" as well as the Final Draft Recommendations from the Housing Committee.
Let me get this straight. They approved new boundary lines for the Village Center. They can do that? They took a map and a marker and made the Village Center bigger. Wow! It appears that they are taking in the apartments and some condominiums.
I had no idea Village Boards had the power to do that.
It also looks like Oakland Mills will be sponsoring a meeting of the HCCA, which doesn't particularly make sense to me. HCCA should be promoting their own events, in my opinion. And of course they have recently released a plan which puts a backward spin on community planning.
Do I see a trend here?
I have a very early morning today, so I don't have all the details filled in for you. I'll be adding more to this story over the weekend.
In the meantime, my husband and I have always liked the house directly behind ours. I'm headed out to find one of those special magic markers that the Board is using...