Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Par-tay! And Other Things

Tonight there's a party for local bloggers and their readers from 5:30 - 7:30 pm at Nottingham's. Tickets are free, and include some free food and one drink ticket. (!) Sign up here. I have to confess I have never been to Nottingham's, so I'll finally get to rectify that. Advance reports suggest you'll be able to catch HoCoHouseHon, Marshmallow Man, and possibly even the elusive Eric Freed. Join us.

Wednesday night there's a Board of Education Candidate Forum at the Jeffers Hill Neighborhood Center, hosted by the Columbia Democratic Club. I can't be there because of Back to School Night (there's that delicious irony again) but you should definitely go. It begins at 7:30 pm. I have it on good authority that all but one of the candidates will be in attendance.

Each will make a brief (2 minute) introduction. The moderator will get the discussion going with one initial question, then they will be taking questions from the floor. So, come and bring your questions! Remember, the Board of Education race is a non-partisan race. Everyone needs to be concerned about it. Even if you are not a Democrat, you are welcome to attend this forum.

A little follow-up on yesterday's post. I scanned Twitter for local responses to the Confederate Flag incident at Fridays's football game at River Hill. Of the responses I found, all but one were from teens. Of those (between 10-20) all but one roundly condemned the action. I also found several of what look like cell phone pictures of the actual event.

The Superintendent posted a statement on her blog. I didn't find it to be remarkably helpful, but I'm linking it here so you can make up your own mind. Speaking of which, I enjoyed the discussion in the comments yesterday. I know everyone didn't necessarily agree, but the tone remained civil. I do wish that everyone were willing to post under their own name. It would provide a more level playing field, in my opinion.

See you tonight at Nottingham's?