Friday, December 5, 2014

True Confessions

I have an issue which has been weighing heavily on my conscience for quite some time now. I strive to be honest and forthright on is blog and I take pride in not misleading my readers. So I owe you an explanation, and perhaps an apology.

At some point in the last year (I am even having trouble finding my own link) I wrote a piece declaring that I was finally calling it quits with the Oakland Mills Food Lion. I had plenty of good reasons. I had been impressed by amazing displays of produce in other area stores. I was tired of lackluster checkout experiences, or the many occasions when the store seemed to look like an unmade bed.

I had spent a long time advocating for our neighborhood store, but I was tired of making excuses. I was done. I was breaking up and I was ready to see other grocery stores.

All this I said in good faith. But the truth? Well, the truth ends up being a different story.

I lasted all of three days without the Food Lion. Sure, I tried other stores. But what brought me back to the Food Lion was its convenience. You just can't beat having a neighborhood store where it is so easy to run in and pick up a few things. And I am a creature of habit.

Over the past year I have noticed steady improvement. They are doing a better job for the most part in keeping grocery carts at the ready by the door. Security staff have improved. Check out clerks are more helpful and responsive. They have gotten better at adding more staff at the front when crowds pick up. The store is generally better stocked and you don't bump into piles of stuff as much as you used to.

I will occasionally make a special trip to Wegman's. I will pop in the Giant in Owen Brown if I happen to be over there. I think Whole Foods is a great place to meet friends and have lunch or coffee. But the truth is that the Food Lion is my day-in and day-out store. And it has done a lot in the last year to pay me back for my loyalty.

Having a village center with a fully functioning grocery store is a blessing. I won't take you for granted anymore, Food Lion.


Today is the sixth anniversary of the Second Chance Saloon. They have festivities planned for the evening, but if you can't make it then, pop in earlier. Today they will be opening at three. We are going to a play tonight, so we are going to stop by for an early dinner beforehand.