Sunday, May 10, 2015


"Mourning is the constant reawakening that things are now different." --Stephanie Ericsson

Two years ago we lost our friend Dennis. His goodness, humor, and wisdom live on in many. Grief at his loss is ongoing, too.

There are so many things I could talk about today: Mother's Day, the wedding yesterday of a dear friend and colleague, another Teachers Appreciation Week coming to a close. They can wait.

We all lose people we love. If we have never experienced grief we are either extremely young or emotionally disconnected from the love that rebels against loss. None of us expect a life without grief. But there are times we would ask fate to make important exceptions. How can this horrible thing have happened? How can a beloved friend be taken away so suddenly?

Today I dedicate this space to Dennis and all the people who loved him and now mourn him. Life goes on, people keep living, but there are a million tiny things that bring to mind the essence of this amazing man. Every day. All the time.

It's just stunning how many there are.