Sunday, July 26, 2015

Second Annual Quiz Show

With apologies to Peter Sagal and NPR, this is:

"Spit it Out!!"

the VG/T² Columbia/Howard County current events quiz.

Questions are taken from the week's hyperlocal happenings. Winners of today's quiz will receive a selfie with Colonel Gateway, a postcard from the Schlossini Voyage, and Tom Coale's voice on their home answering machine.*

1. Nature and history lovers were united in sadness this week at the news that:

a) the new staircase in Ellicott City paved over an ancient nesting site.

b) the old elm at Belmont must be removed due to Dutch Elm disease.

c) The Howard County Conservancy announced plans for a modern, high-rise parking structure.

2. A showdown between the County Executive and the County Council continues over:

a) the Nutritional Standards bill.

b) noise levels at Merriweather

c) where to locate new, state-of-the-art water fountains.

3. A party in Columbia came to abrupt end this week when:

a) neighbors reported the party noise to the police.

b) strangers wandered up from the nearby pathway and crashed the party.

c) the deck fell off the house.

3. Parents at Glenwood Middle School expressed a lack of confidence in the School System's:

a) excessive use of high-stakes testing.

b) handling of mold issues in the school.

c) sexist enforcement of the dress code.

4. Local bloggers assembled at Portalli's Wednesday night to:

a) say farewell to blogger UK Desperate Housewife.

b) test out Ellicott City's new free wifi.

c) announce a slate of candidates for the next County Council race.

5. New Horizons is the name of:

a) the new retirement housing complex to be built above Clyde's on the shores of Lake Kittamaqundi.

b) a new, tell-all biography of former County Executuve Ken Ulman.

c) NASA's mission to Pluto with a Howard County/Johns Hopkins APL connection.

6. An article in the Howard County Times featured:

a) back-to-college advice from Duncan the Dragon of HCC.

b) HoCo blogger and small-business owner Scott Ewart.

c) diet and fitness tips from the County Executive.

7. Howard County residents can enjoy for a limited time:

a) Howard County Restaurant Weeks special menus.

b) free admission to Toby's "Into the Woods" with proof of a hiking visit to one of Howard County's nature trails.

c) the sounds of music emanating from Merriweather Post Pavillion.

This week's fill-in-the-blank limerick:

Proclaiming the "homeowner's voice",

Obsessed that "our woods have got noise!"

Ethics lapses won't slow him,

The rules? He don't know 'em!

Where does he live? In Harper's ______________.

I hope you enjoyed playing along at home. Stay tuned for future episodes of "Spit It Out" on the VG/T² network.

*completely false. Just made that bit up.