Saturday, December 2, 2017


Let’s just get one thing straight before I go any further.

Gift is not a verb.

No, not ever.

Gift is a noun. You can make a gift, get a gift, buy a gift.

You want a verb?

That would be give.

I do not now, nor do I ever, wish to see references to:

  • They gifted us with...
  • ...suitable for holiday gifting...
  • Happy Gifting!
This piece from NPR is more philosophical and forgiving about this linguistic abomination. I’m a big NPR fan, but I can’t support their open-mindedness in this case. “Gifting” is slimy, impersonal, and just plain bad usage.

This year make a contribution to the good of the world and the American language by making a commitment to give.

  • Give your time.
  • Give your friendship.
  • Give your attention.
  • Give love.
  • Give presents.
  • Give money to causes you care about.
Don’t let me catch you gifting. You’ll end up on Santa’s Naughty List for sure.