Sunday, December 24, 2017

H/T to The Man

Lucy Van Pelt: I know how you feel about all this Christmas business, getting depressed and all that. It happens to me every year. I never get what I really want. I always get a lot of stupid toys or a bicycle or clothes or something like that.

Charlie Brown: What is it you want?

Lucy Van Pelt: [Someone who can really write about commercial] Real estate.

I read this news yesterday and couldn’t help but think about the late hocoblogger Dennis Lane.

Our friend @builtbycostello is at it again w purchase of #ColumbiaMD @Sheraton. Cant wait to see what's in store.

Exclusive: Sheraton in Columbia sells to local developer, 10M in upgrades planned

Dennis would’ve been all over this. In fact, he would have known about it long before the parties involved had signed on the dotted line. And he also would have had a subscription to the Baltimore Business Journal, which I, sadly, do not. (Note to self: get on that!) Here he writes about a previous upgrade in 2009. I did a quick search on Costello on his blog and found this.

That’s the thing. I shouldn’t need to be looking backwards to find the straight dope on hocolocal commercial real estate. I hope that 2018 brings us someone who knows their stuff and has a sincere enthusiasm to inform the community about what it all means. If there’s already someone emerging- - let me know. Or, if it could be you, get moving! Time’s a-wasting!

In case you wonder what kind of things happen at the Sheraton (besides their famous Sunday brunch) here’s this writer’s conference:

The Creatures, Crimes & Creativity (C3) Con is in Columbia MD, October 5-7, 2018. The registration fee includes five meals: Friday’s dinner, 3 meals Saturday and Sunday breakfast, so readers and writers dine side-by-side.