Friday, July 6, 2018

Can’t Get No Respect

I admit that this is dated June 28th or thereabouts but it’s still bugging me.

Do you see anything wrong here? Councilwoman Jen Terrasa wins her primary race and she can’t even get her photo heading the newspaper article.


It isn’t as though HoCo Times/Balt Sun doesn't have any photos of Ms. Terrasa on file. They most certainly do, from her years on the Council. So why couldn’t she be the focus here?

The headline suggested by the photo above is more likely:

Outgoing State Delegate Frank Turner reflects on a career of public service.

Or, perhaps:

Retiring State Delegate surveys changes to dynamics in Annapolis

In a less serious vein, one might caption this photo:

Retiring Delegate to political newcomers: Get off my lawn!


“Look! My suit matches the wall color perfectly!”

With all due respect to Delegate Turner, his photo should not appear here at all.

Let’s try this, from Ms. Terrasa’s web site.

The ongoing bias which results in the erasure of women from the news is fairly widespread. It is certainly not just a Howard County thing. Conscious or not, it’s just plain unacceptable.