Thursday, July 12, 2018

Getting Salty in Columbia

Big news, HoCo:

(From an article in Baltimore Business Journal, “Utz leases Columbia warehouse space
 to distribute its salty snacks locally,” by Melody Simmons.)

When I shared this news on social media yesterday it was met with great enthusiasm. So I guess I’m not the only local who is a fan of Utz products. I discovered some time ago that they use substantially less salt than Lay’s, and I prefer that. And I want my family to eat less salt as well.

To be clear, Utz will not be making their products here. This is simply a warehouse for distribution. So, despite the lovely thoughts in my imagination of factory tours and free samples, you still have to go to PA for that

The aforementioned warehouse is on McGaw, which I always mix up with Berger Road. Ah, yes. McGaw is the one that runs by Wegman’s and the restaurant park with Jason’s Deli. (Berger is the site of the now-defunct Daedalus books.)  You would be driving on McGaw away from Snowden River Parkway, through the intersection at Dobbin, all the way to the stub end which is called McGaw Court. That’s where the mother lode of chips will be found.

Fun fact: the significant other of Columbia native “Angie Rockstar” sent her a care package with Utz products while she is appearing on the 20th Season of Big Brother. 

The news overall these days has been so unrelentingly awful that I think we all jumped at the chance to get excited about a little bright spot, if you will. There were no insults flung, no name calling, no contentious arguments. One participant would like to see Snyder’s and their many-flavored pretzels to set up house-keeping here, but that opinion did not cause anyone any distress.

It’s surely not good for our health, but it has been my experience that when times get more stressful, people eat more crunchy, salty snacks. Well, let’s commit to drinking more water, at least, instead of sugary sodas or sports drinks. 

That’ll kind of balance it out, right?