Monday, April 1, 2019

Getting Trashy

Good morning, April. For my first official act, I turned the heat back on. I’ll be dressing warmly as I head  back to work after a week of Spring Break.

I came across an old photo which reminded me of an April event worth repeating.The 20 Minute Clean-Up:

I don’t have a date on this photo, but it was definitely during the Ulman administration and Starbucks was still where Potbelly is now. I’m pretty sure that the clean-up, which ties in nicely with Earth Day, began during the Ulman years. Encouraged by a friend, I came out to clean up the areas around the Dobbin Starbucks where many of us hung out quite a bit in those days.

Since then I’ve instigated a few personal clean-ups closer to home, but I haven’t been as devoted as I might have been. This year I plan to rededicate myself to choosing a place to jump in and clean up. Where should I begin?

I encourage my readers to nominate Columbia/HoCo’s trashiest location. I’ll let you know if yours is the one I pick. Who knows? Maybe we could make this a Village Green/Town² get-together?

From the Howard County Government Facebook page:

Since its inception in 2010, more than 15,700 people have participated in the County’s annual 20 Minute Cleanup initiative. With Earth Month upon us, Howard County Executive Calvin Ball is encouraging individuals and businesses to take just 20 minutes this April to step outside to pick up litter around their neighborhood, school or office complex. You'll be amazed at what a difference just 20 minutes can make to your surroundings. To learn more about the 20 Minute Cleanup and how easily you can get involved, visit LiveGreenHoward's website. (I’ve included the link above.)