Sunday, June 16, 2019

Lakefront Love

I would like to thank the weather gods for giving us beautiful Lakefest weather. My daughter and I went down to the Lakefront Friday evening and it was gorgeous. The weather, I mean. Well, also the Lakefront. Filled with the familiar sights, sounds, and smells of a festival weekend.

It was cool to see a table set up to help folks register to vote. (Now if we could only get them all to vote in Columbia elections!) The fountain was on in all its glory. Folks were putting their blankets down on the lawn to listen to musicians from our local School of Rock show off their skills.

I was sad not to see Monica Rogers Williams and her team From Momma’s Kitchen  at Lakefest this year. They’re usually ensconced over by The Hug statue, giving free samples of delicious cookies and filling orders at the speed of light. Apparently Festival management said no food vendors this year. I’m sure they have their reasons, but really? From Momma’s Kitchen is a locally owned and operated business and their cookies are consistently of high quality, with a wide variety of flavors.

They’re also way more affordable than most of the art that’s offered for sale. Just saying.

This is not to criticize the art. It’s gorgeous, and I always enjoy the variety of ideas and materials represented. This year I kept I was sorry my husband wasn’t with us.

My favorite was probably the guitar made out of stone which included an accurately formed matching amplifier. (Lower left in the photo.)

After examining the festival food trucks assembled in the American Building parking lot, we decided to go with Whole Foods instead. It allowed us to choose some healthier options and we still had a great view of the festivities. We did circle back for Kona Ice, though.

The Festival team is doing a great job on social media this year. I note a healthy vibe of energy and enthusiasm in their frequent posts. Good for them.

I hope you will go down today if you haven’t been yet. Take a look at the event page on Facebook to see what’s happening today. It feels good to experience Columbia as a “happening”, in full-on party mode. It was pretty cool to see the line forming outside the Soundry as we were leaving Friday night. It definitely feels more like a Downtown since they opened.