Today, in news that just grosses you out:
An Uber driver charged with rape and best place to get a steak were some of the most read stories on Maryland Patches this week.
Really, Columbia Patch? It’s practically “Rape, steak, and weather at 8:00!” Did anyone think about how this looks? If you want to be our “source for all things Columbia” you’ve got to do better than that.
I see that Patch is trying to raise revenue by creating a “membership” option. After a quick read of the details, I’m not convinced. If you want to “support local journalism” you already have some great options that operate on a much higher journalistic level.
In other local news, this upcoming event caught my eye:
June 15- World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Workshops and Shred Event
Please! Do NOT shred your elders! That is definitely elder abuse.
A few more just for fun. This one turned up in my Facebook memories today:
Thank you HoCo Times for today’s laugh.
“She credits her longevity to drinking tea and her family.”
And who could forget this classic from the Johnsonville company:
We don’t make sausage. We make family. And sausage.
Sweeney Todd-esque? Well, I just hope that shredded elders aren’t a key ingredient,