Wednesday, November 27, 2019


Columbia/HoCo podcaster Tom Coale of Elevate Maryland is looking for a a place that does a good “Gobbler-like sandwich”. I’m assuming this means turkey with stuffing and cranberry sauce on bread. (Correct me if I am wrong.) Can anyone out there point him in the right direction? I can think of several restaurants that served them, but they don’t exist anymore.

Speaking of food, I’m sorry to inform you that you have missed the cutoff to order Momma’s Classic banana pudding for Thanksgiving. But it’s not too late to order cookies for holiday giving. Momma, aka Monica Rogers Williams, makes so many flavors it can be hard to choose. If you have a sweet and salty craving and/or are looking some impressive party favors take a look at these pretzel rods. They may possibly have magic powers.

HoCoNomNom Blog is taking a break this week, but you can read the most recent post here. Ms./Mr. Nom also brought to my attention that we now have a Korean corn dog place at the Mall.

It was nice to spot this post from AnnieRie just in time for Thanksgiving. In “All Hail Kale” she suggests a hearty fall recipe that will use up some of the kale which is abundant at this time of year. My family won’t eat kale, but I got hungry just reading the post.

Coming back around to the folks at Elevate Maryland: they’re having a little fun over on Twitter with a Thanksgiving poll of favorite desserts. Your choices are apple pie, pecan pie, sweet potato pie, and cake. (Don’t tell “Momma” there’s no banana pudding option!)  Its all in fun. Hop on over and cast a vote if you are so inclined.