Friday, March 27, 2020

Late Links

Since it’s Friday, and I overslept, I’m going to fall back on the time-honored HoCoRising tradition of Friday links. 

Elevate Maryland is going to do their new remote show thing on Saturday at noon with the folks of Oakland Mills Online. Here’s the link to the event announcement.

No link on this but there is a growing trend of people going on Twitter to report sightings of people congregating in various locations around Howard County. To the Governor. A few thoughts:

  • How were you able to see them if you were at home where you should be?
  • What do you think the Governor will do?
  • Wondering the racial make up of reporters vs. congregators.

Apparently reporting people to the Governor is the new writing a hot letter to the editor.

Woodbine Restaurant Tony Locos is offering a free roll of toilet paper with each take-out order. It’s both a helpful and humorous promotion and it earned them an article in the Howard County Times. Here’s the link to the article by Jess Nocera.

Lastly, here’s some outright fun. Also,  I could swear there used to be a local blog called “Live from the Cul-de-sac” but I can’t find a trace of it now.

Circus Greg and his cul-de-sac circus . This from WBAL:

Man takes circus act to local neighborhoods to entertain people for free 

Did you attend the virtual Town Hall hosted by County Executive Calvin Ball last night?  What did you think?

Have a great day. I’ll see you tomorrow.