Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Be A Part Of It

 From the community inspired mural at the East Columbia Branch Library to the fantastical 140 foot long “Parade” at DoodleHATCH, public art has been on my mind lately. I’ve noticed a few more opportunities to be a part of the local art scene that I want to share with you. 

The folks at Merriweather Park in Symphony Woods are kicking off their season with a picnic table art project. From the announcement:

The Trust invites individual artists, students, groups, corporations, non-profit organizations, and others to propose a design to paint onto a picnic table to be displayed in Symphony Woods during 2021.  As we emerge from the pandemic, the Trust wants to create a whimsical picnic area available for the community to enjoy.  

Deadline for submissions 11:59 p.m. on April 24, 2021. Learn more here.

I still remember what a great variety of creations were produced for the “Celebrating the Arts in the Park” Adirondack chair contest in 2017. Here’s an example from the Park’s Facebook page:

I encourage you to make a design and get in on the fun. This is for everyone. Who knows, we could be picnicking at your table later this summer! More on the importance of picnic tables. 

Another local call for art comes from Busboys and Poets, whose opening in the Merriweather District has been anticipated with great impatience since it was announced in September of 2019. This one looks geared for the professional artists among us:

Submit Your Art 

Now accepting applications for Columbia and Baltimore, MD

We review artwork for display at our locations year-round, in the order submissions are received. The artwork is rotated approximately twice per year (every six months). Preference will be given to local artists with a large body of work. Most often, large works stand out best in our spaces. Please submit your materials below and allow 4-6 weeks for review.

Click the link above for more information.

What’s your favorite piece of art in Columbia/HoCo? I’m fond of the statues at the Lakefront but I also have a soft spot in my heart for the Ellicott City Eggplant.