Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Join the Parade

Though you might be inclined to take any announcements for tomorrow with a grain of salt, this event is really happening. No fooling.

At three pm DoodleHATCH at Long Reach will unveil their newly completed Parade mural for the first time. Designed by artist Justin Nepomuceno and completed in sections by local artists and community members, the mural, supported by funding from the Maryland State Arts Council, will at last be visible in its entirety.

You can be there. From the Visit Howard County website:

Join Doodlehatch for a One Time Only REVEAL for the first time EVER of the 140 foot long, 8 foot tall 'DoodleHATCH Parade Mural' created by over 100 community members guided by artist Justin Nepomuceno. Dance along the mural to the music and take photographs with all the Mythological creatures. Masks required for close-up interaction, or view this huge mural by driving past it. 

You can get a good look at the evolution of the mural by viewing the series of photos accompanying this article in the Baltimore Sun by Katie V. Jones:

At DoodleHATCH in Columbia, wild creatures take over 140-foot parade mural

Jones describes DoodleHATCH and creator Lee Andersen as follows:

Lee Andersen has an imagination like no other.

In an abandoned storefront in Long Reach Shopping Center, she has created an interactive art museum where giants can buy beds, unicorns can have their horns polished and aliens can land to visit. A nonprofit, DoodleHATCH is an interactive fantasy world, where youth — and adults — can visit over 30 different fantasy stops.

You may know Andersen from her earlier creative ventures, ManneqART and the FantasyWood Festival (in collaboration with the Inner Arbor Trust.) She also designs and sells her own line of clothing. This description on the DoodleHATCH website gives an idea of the experience you’ll have when you go there.

With a goal to inspire creativity in artists, educators and the community in a playful fantasy environment, DoodleHATCH is Howard County's newest attraction!

 Step through the doors and discover a place where aliens dock for repairs, unicorns come to be groomed, zombies replace missing body parts and creatures of all kinds can assemble. DoodleHATCH is a one-of-a kind, fun and affordable destination for humans seeking something new and different to do. This pretend department store was built inside a huge unused supermarket by 41 artists. It serves mythical creatures of fairy tales, ghost stories, and other worlds (and curious humans.)

 Enjoy an interactive walk through fantasy realms. Visit the Stargate, Fairy Village, the Hobbit House, the Space Station, the Dead and Breakfast, and 30 other installations. 

I imagine it has been exceedingly difficult to launch a venue like this during a pandemic. DoodleHATCH has been taking numerous health precautions and scheduling only individual groups in order to keep visitors safe. Even if you’re not quite ready yet to venture inside, you’ll definitely want to stop by to see the mural. Maybe take a few Instagram-worthy pics of yourself with dragons and other fantasy creatures. There’s even a marching band.

                                                           Parade Mural, DoodleHATCH 

So, if you have time tomorrow at 3 pm, stop by the Long Reach Village Center for the grand unveiling. If not, you’re invited to come by anytime after the event to view the newest Howard County art installation.