Sunday, March 21, 2021

The Big Day

Dear Blog Readers,

Since my birthday is coming up - - it’s Tuesday - - I thought it appropriate to do the usual birthday thing we've grown accustomed to on social media.

With a twist.

This year for my birthday I am not fundraising for anything. I don’t have any extra funds right now so I am guessing you may not have any, either. That’s okay.

Last year I asked for your help in boosting my Facebook “likes” and you got me up to 446, which was very much appreciated. The big 500 remains elusive. On the other hand, I remain convinced that the readers that I do have are “choice”, as they say. High numbers may be a boost to the ego but wise and loyal readers make writing a blog worthwhile.

For some reason the big numbers in Columbia/HoCo are reserved for white men, but that’s another story altogether.

Oh. My birthday. Yes. I got off track.

In honor of my birthday I’m encouraging you to send someone a thank-you note. Yes, it’s a dying art. Let’s breathe some life into it.

I was inspired to make this request by reading this week's Howard County Library HiLights. In it they take  a moment to thank the community.

Thank you for your support and flexibility during this unprecedented time. Your comments are appreciated by our staff.

Even better, when you click on the word “comments” you can read all the positive feedback the library has been receiving. This is a rare example of when reading the comments is a good idea. Each one, no matter how brief, is a thank-you note of sorts.

In today’s issue of the Baltimore Sun reader Kara Panowitz writes a different kind of thank-you note.

Thanks to those feeding Maryland’s hungry kids

Her letter to the editor outlines the many creative ways that local institutions have been getting meals to children during the pandemic. You don’t often see happy letters in that space. It’s refreshing.

What kind of a thank-you note will you write? It could be a card, a letter, or an email. It could be as simple as an added thank-you comment on your Instacart shopper evaluation. It doesn’t have to be elaborate, but it should be in writing. If you’re not big on words, I fully endorse drawing a picture. But then, I am an early childhood educator, after all.

Speaking of education, I know for a fact that teachers treasure the rare thank-you notes from students and parents. Just a thought.

So, no obligatory charitable donation request from me this year. Not that I discount their validity, I just don’t feel comfortable asking for something that I myself could not give right now.

I promise that I will be writing a thank-you note right along with you. Who knows, it might even turn up in this space on Tuesday.



Village Green/Town²