When I went to bed last night I was absolutely certain what I’d be writing about today. When I woke up this morning I was not so sure. I hate days like that.
Photo credit: Howard Community College
Howard Communty College is celebrating its 50th anniversary year with a variety of events. You can see this photo and many others here in a collection called “ HCC at 50: A Blast from the Past - Daily Life from the First Two Decades.” The wonderfully contrived posing of the photo above felt so much like old high school yearbooks that I was immediately drawn in.
On Tuesday March 30th they will be having a Fiftieth Anniversary Talk and Panel Discussion about the college’s fifty year history. You can RSVP here and the link for the event will be sent to you.
What is your experience with HCC? Did you take classes here back in the early days? Have your children attended? Have you taught courses here? My only connections with HCC at this point include taking a yoga course that was held on campus and the summer camp my daughter attended. So, in other words, very little. (I don’t think that getting lost every time I try to attend an evening event here counts.)
I’d love to collect reader feedback for a future post. Take a moment and help me out if you can.