Friday, September 3, 2021

…but the Kitchen Sink

Last night I stepped out of the house to head down to the Village Center to pick up some dinner. It was around six o’clock. The weather was glorious. I immediately noticed how many people were out and about. It was one of those “I love my neighborhood” moments. It had the joyful quality of that first day in  Spring that truly leans towards summer. 

As I drove down the street I saw a young girl and her grandparents making up a game on the sidewalk. Some sort of bicycling club went by on my left. It was almost as though I was on a film set of my neighborhood and someone had yelled “action” right before I left the house.

It was a lovely reminder of community. 

A few things today:

Someone has absconded with two of the much-loved Enchanted Forest sculptures from Clark’s Elioak Farm. 

Photo credit: Keith Kridenoff

I can’t imagine who would do such a thing. If they are hoping to make some money by selling them I think they will find that anyone in the vicinity will know where they came from and be extremely dubious as to their provenance. I’m trying to imagine someone willing to walk off with them because they really wanted them in their own personal garden display. It doesn’t seem likely to me. 

Anyway, it’s just sad and I hope they find their way home soon.

The Columbia Association has picked finalists in their “name the Aqua Mower” contest. Sadly, neither of my entries made the cut. Here are the lucky five:  Munchie, Weedinator, Chompers, Harvey The Harvester and Big Blue. You can vote once per day here to help them choose the winner. The person whose name comes out on top will receive a 100 dollar CA gift card and will get to participate in the name reveal photo opp. Not to mention bragging rights. 

Speaking of bragging rights, the folks over at Merriweather Park at Symphony Woods must have been thrilled yesterday to make the announcement that this year’s Chrysalis Kids series will wrap up with a performance by the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra. In their first visit to the Chrysalis, the BSO will present Peter and the Wolf and will include contributions from Wordsmith. Visit the event page to learn more about this free concert and Eventbrite to reserve your free tickets. 

I was pretty jazzed up to learn recently that Howard County is the home to an up-and-coming jockey. Did you know that? Charlie Marquez, a Columbia native, is one of the youngest jockeys in the US right now. Marquez recently took the Leading Jockey title at the conclusion of the Preakness Meet at Pimlico in August. Now that I know, I’ll be keeping an eye on his career to see where he goes next.

I must admit I haven’t gotten all that excited about the upcoming celebrations for the Mall in Columbia’s 50th birthday. This probably stems from the fact that I didn’t grow up here and that I’ve always had a general ambivalence towards the Mall. However, I am excited about the Columbia Archives’ contributions to the celebration.

Did you know that the Mall in Columbia started as the city's Main Street? In honor of its 50th anniversary (!), Columbia Archives is pulling out alll the fascinating factoids with their new exhibit, "The Heart of a New Town: The Mall in Columbia." Come check it out on the second floor of the mall, next to Sephora!

Photo credit: Columbia Association

What can I say? I’m a sucker for popular history. Perhaps I’ll pop over and take a look. You can learn more about upcoming Mall events here.

Finally, a big HoCo Holler to all the parents, students, teachers, support staff, admin, crossing guards, bus drivers - - EVERYBODY - - who have been making their way through the beginning of this school year. I know it’s hard. My heart is with you and I hope it gets easier.