In yesterday’s news:
Bill For Hogan Administration Litigation Over Unemployment Benefits Totals More Than $380,000, Danielle E. Gaines, Maryland Matters
Remember when the Governor decided to file suit in order to cut off pandemic unemployment benefits early? That’s how much it cost Maryland taxpayers: somewhere in the neighborhood of $380,000.00. Oh, and he lost. Twice. According to the article, a spokesman for the Governor stated that the benefits were damaging the Maryland economy and small businesses. Not mentioned by the Governor’s spokesman Mike Ricci: Maryland workers, families with children, individual human beings whose lives have been upended by the pandemic.
They don’t even warrant a mention.
So, today, let’s play a little version of “you make the call” in honor of Governor Hogan’s $380,000 boondoggle. Let’s say you are the Governor of the state of Maryland right now. What do you think would be a good use of $380,000 of taxpayer money?
Some suggestions:
- Using it to move forward at great speed all the languishing unemployment claims from desperate Marylanders.
- Adding it to funds to update air conditioning and heating in Baltimore City Schools.
- Reimbursing the state for Roy McGrath’s questionable spending.
- Putting it towards legitimate public transit improvements.
- Purchasing masks and sanitizing supplies for schools in low income areas.